And now suppose someone, such as they sometimes are, a man ignorant of laws, little less than
an enemy to the public good, and minding nothing but his own, given up to pleasure, a hater
of learning, liberty, and justice, studying nothing less than the public safety, but measuring
everything by his own will and profit; and then put on him a golden chain that declares the
accord of all virtues linked one to another; a crown set with diamonds, that should put him in
mind how he ought to excel all others in heroic virtues; besides a scepter, the emblem of
justice and an untainted heart; and lastly, a purple robe, a badge of that charity he owes the
commonwealth. All which if a prince should compare them with his own life, he would, I
believe, be clearly ashamed of his bravery, and be afraid lest some or other gibing expounder
turn all this tragical furniture into a ridiculous laughingstock.